Coming Soon - Sheldon (Blind dog)

Coming Soon - Sheldon (Blind dog)

2 years approx
Tan, Grey & White
Living with Children:
Not yet assessed, but he needs a calm and quiet home
Living with Dogs/Cats:
Not yet assessed
Ideal Home Situation:
Minimal disturbances. A secure garden. A home he can navigate safely.
I require:
Someone around most of the day initially
Can be nervous of new people

Sheldon is a new arrival at CDCH, who will be available to find a new home, once we have fully assessed his needs. Sheldon was born blind, so we know he will require a calm and settled home environment, who can provide a little more specialised care to help him live a fulfilling and happy life. Sheldon is understandably quite nervous of meeting new people, due to his lack of sight, so we expect he would benefit from a minimal home to help settle him and avoid worry.

Applications are not yet open, so please keep an eye on this page and social media for any news and updates.

If you have previous experience of caring for dogs with blindness and think you could provide the special care and environment he may need, then feel free to reach out to the CDCH reception team by email, providing some basic detail, so this can be considered:

Could you provide a temporary foster home to Sheldon? If so, read more and register your interest via our foster page – ‘Here’.

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RSPCA Cotswolds, Gloucester & District Branch

Registered Charity number : 207006
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