
3 years old
Black & White
Living with children:
Adult Only 18yrs +
Ideal Home:
An understanding and patient home
I require:
A secure outdoor area

Meet the handsome Mufasa! He is a white and black lop eared neutered male rabbit. He is estimated to be around 3 years old.

Mufasa requires a home with a patient owner who can slowly build up his trust. His confidence has improved since arriving with us so all he needs now is a forever home to continue giving him the care he deserves.

Mufasa loves sunbathing and hopping around in the garden so needs a home with a secure outdoor area. His ideal home will be a home with one or more neutered rabbit(s). He would benefit from a confident male or female rabbit to help him come out of his shell. The home will need to bond the rabbits so an experienced and patient adopter is required.

If you feel like you could provide Mufasa with the loving home he requires, please fill in a perfect match form.


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RSPCA Cotswolds, Gloucester & District Branch

Registered Charity number : 207006
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