
9 years approx
Living with Children:
Older children 15 years + will be considered
Living with Dogs/Cats:
I would be best suited as the only pet in the home
Ideal Home Situation:
A calm and affectionate family who can offer me lots of attention
I require:
Someone to be around for most of the day.
Loves a Lap
Loves to sleep

Could you provide a quiet and loving foster home for an older dog like Rupert?


Rupert is a very sweet older gentleman who prefers the slower pace of life, which generally consists of little potters around the garden, naps and cuddles with his carers. Rupert have been very affectionate towards staff at the centre and always likes to be by someone’s side – he would be best suited to a home where someone could be around for most of the day for company. Rupert doesn’t ask for much – so long as he has some company, a cosy bed and tranquil environment, he will thrive.

Foster home needed:

  • Home environment: Rupert been through a traumatic time, and would benefit from a calmer home environment, with foster carers who are around most of the day and happy to show him that little extra TLC.
  • Children: Rupert would be best suited to a home with no young children, as he finds them a little worrying.
  • Other pets: Rupert has met other dogs, and is very indifferent – he would be best as an only dog, although, he may be comfortable with another calm dog who doesn’t wish to invade his space.
  • Length of foster: Rupert is likely to be longer term resident of CDCH so we are ideally looking for a long term foster home, offering a minimum of 3-6 months care, although, would be happy to discuss any length of respite.
  • Medical: Rupert has some basic health needs (sore/itchy skin etc), so does requite daily medication and topical treatments administering – he may require occasional vet visits at the centre.
  • Ideal foster location: within 30 minutes drive of the centre GL2 7AS.

If you think you can meet Rupert’s foster needs, and would like to discuss this further, then please complete a foster application below, adding the name ‘Rupert’, or contact our team on with any queries you may have.

Please note: Fostering an animal is cost free – CDCH ensure to provide foster carers with all the needed equipment, food and veterinary care during their stay.

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RSPCA Cotswolds, Gloucester & District Branch

Registered Charity number : 207006
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