Neutering your animal can help prevent illnesses and some unwanted behaviours.
Castration is the general term used to describe the surgical removal of a male animals’ testes, under general anaesthesia.
Spaying refers to the surgical removal of a female animals’ ovaries and or uterus under general anaesthesia.
To see if your dog or cat is ready to be neutered, we suggest booking in with your veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse for a pre-neutering health check.
We recommend seeking veterinary advice if you are concerned about the impact neutering will have on any behavioural traits in your animal. All options should be carefully considered and discussed so you can make the right decision for your companion.
It’s important to follow the help and guidance provided by your vet following a neutering procedure.
Check surgical sites and stitches regularly to ensure there are no issues.
Your animal will need something to prevent them from licking or biting the wound, following surgery. You may be offered a recovery suit or a plastic or material cone.
Rest is key to recovery! Your vet will advise you on when you will be able to start reintroducing regular exercise to your animals’ routine, but in the days that immediately follow surgery, strict rest and toilet breaks are all that are needed.
Avoid allowing animals to jump on to any high furnishings such as sofas and beds. Minimise any rough play if there are multiple animals in the house and avoid them climbing any stairs whilst their wound heals.
You can help your companion in this time by offering them lots of comfortable resting areas and stimulating their brain.
Try giving your furry friend some food puzzles and low-impact toys to reduce any excessive physical activity.
We offer a low-cost veterinary clinic for individuals in receipt of a means-tested benefit here at our rehoming centre in Cambridge, Gloucestershire.
As well as our clinic, we also offer support through neutering and help voucher schemes.
Follow the link for more information on how to access our welfare schemes, to register for our services, and to see our full terms and conditions:
To report cruelty or an animal in distress call 0300 1234 999