How many Corgis do you think the Queen has homed?

We have no doubt that Queen Elizabeth would approve of our furry friends getting safely involved in the celebrations. Did you know that she’s quite the animal lover? Read on for some fun facts!

  • Queen Elizabeth is the royal patron of 40 animal charities, including the Dogs Trust, the RSPCA, The Kennel Club and The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).
  • She loves animals, and is particularly fond of horses and corgis — she’s homed more than 30 Corgis since 1945!
  • The Queen has been gifted many animals over the years, including two sloths on a state visit to Brazil in 1968. These cute creatures were given to the London Zoo, along with many other exotic animals given to the Queen by world leaders over the years.
  • Thanks to a rule that dates back to the 1300s, Her Majesty technically owns all the whales and dolphins in the waters around the U.K, as well as all unmarked mute swans in the Thames!
  • The Queen is the first British monarch to have a platinum jubilee — she overtook (her great-great-grandma) Queen Victoria’s record breaking 63 year reign seven years ago!
  • Buckingham Palace is also inviting individuals, communities and businesses to plant a tree in honour of this landmark occasion, and thousands have already been planted as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative.

Are you taking your pet along to a Jubilee Celebration this weekend?

Why not make a donation in honour of the Queen to help animals in our care?

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