He had been hit by a quad bike, leaving him with a fractured leg and unable to bear weight – but received no veterinary care for his injury.
By the time Goose was rescued, a long seven months later his veterinary assessments confirmed that his untreated fracture had left him in constant pain and unable to walk properly.
After carefully exploring all possible options, it was decided that the only way to provide Goose with a pain-free life was to amputate his damaged leg.
At first, the sadness of his past was clear in his eyes, but slowly, with patience and kindness, that sadness gave way to hope.
With every passing day, Goose began to trust and showed a remarkable ability to heal emotionally. He transformed into a loving and affectionate dog, eager to connect with people despite his past.
Goose’s hope shone through.
His once broken spirit was replaced by a gentle, forgiving nature, and his handsome face, once marked by suffering, became the face of a dog who had found joy again. After months of recovery and rebuilding his trust, Goose was ready for his next chapter.
Goose found his forever home, where he continues to thrive.
Now living pain-free and surrounded by love, his second chance at life is filled with happiness and hope.
It was love at first sight, he is such a lovely boy and considering what he had been though he did not hesitate in trusting us from the start.
He only has to look at people and he melts their hearts (and he knows it) it did not take long for Goose to know that he was safe.
Walkies in the car is also a favourite of his as well. He also like travelling on buses which is also great.
Where ever you go with Goose people just look at his face and want to stop and talk to him. He is very good at going around shops and quickly finds out which ones give out dog treats.
He does have one slight problem as he is often up to a bit of shop lifting he has been caught a few times sneaking out of charity shops with cuddle toys which his mum has to go back and pay for. Oh but he does love his toys and they are all over the house.
People often say when they know his story he is so lucky to have us. NO we are the lucky ones. If you are not well he loves to cuddle he is sensitive stubborn (oh so stubborn ) gentle, kind and funny.
Gifts in Wills can ensure that animals like Goose receive the lifesaving treatment, love, and second chances they deserve.
This Free Wills Month, you have the opportunity to create a lasting legacy – A legacy that ensures animals like Goose will never be forgotten. By including a gift to the Cotswolds Dogs and Cats Home in your will, you can help give countless animals the care they need, long into the future.
To report cruelty or an animal in distress call 0300 1234 999