A Weekend Emergency: Saving a Tiny Kitten’s Life

Last week we took in a tiny, vulnerable kitten into our care. She was found alone as a stray near an extremely busy road, without any sign of her mum or siblings. 

Estimated to be around eight weeks old, this poor little one, now named Smudge due to the cute little mark on her nose, arrived extremely scared and anxious.

Mina, Cattery Supervisor, has managed to gently build her confidence and provided round the clock care for little Smudge, however, she showed little interest in food and refused to eat. 

Shortly after Smudge arrived, it became evident that something was very wrong. 

Our hearts sank as she vomited a large piece of flexible plastic, likely something she had ingested while trying to survive on the streets. 

Her condition worsened dramatically.

She became lethargic and subdued, prompting an emergency weekend visit to the out-of-hours veterinary hospital.


The examination revealed just how critical her state was: her heart rate was low, she was dehydrated, and the vet could feel something abnormal in her stomach. 

Urgent blood tests, scans, and X-rays unveiled a heartbreaking truth—an abnormality in her intestines that were incredibly inflamed.


Despite her young age and fragile state, we knew we had to fight for her life. She deserved the chance, just like any other animal in our care.

Surgery was her only hope.

Within an hour of arriving at the veterinary hospital, this brave little kitten was undergoing urgent surgery to treat an intussusception—a life-threatening condition where one part of the intestine slides within another, causing an internal blockage.

As an approximately eight-week-old kitten, undergoing surgery was a monumental ordeal.


Yet, this tiny warrior showed incredible strength and bravery.  

She pulled through the surgery and has begun her journey to recovery.


Her appetite has already improved and she is continuing to improve day by day.

This resilient kitten is a true fighter. After a tense and emotional weekend, we were overjoyed to welcome her back to the center, where she continues to receive all the love and care she deserves.

Smudge has only been with us for a week and what an eventful week it has been! It’s always worrying when such a tiny kitten is not eating, so I knew she needed extra support.

I’m so happy to know she is now on the road to recovery and it’s so lovely to see her with an appetite! She is probably the bravest little kitten I’ve ever met and am excited to see her recover fully and start to enjoy everything being a kitten has to offer.

Mina, Cattery Supervisor

CDCH firmly believes that no animal should suffer because of costs, the emergency investigations, surgery and care have cost CDCH a staggering £2131.24

In light of Smudge’s medical expenses, we’ve started this fundraising appeal in the hope that you can help us raise enough money to cover the costs of Smudge’s extensive veterinary treatment.


Your generous donations will ensure that we can continue to provide life-saving care, in emergency situations for animals in desperate need.

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference. 

Together, we can give Smudge and others like her a fighting chance at a happy, healthy life.

Thank you!

Vet bills like all our other costs are rising and Smudge is just one of the many animals who need our help every day.

Anything raised above Smudge’s needs will be used to help animals just like her, here at the Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home.

If you are looking to adopt a kitten like Smudge and offer a loving forever home, keep an eye on our website under adopt a cat.

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RSPCA Cotswolds, Gloucester & District Branch

Registered Charity number : 207006
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