Appealing for Cherry

Cherry came to us frightened, traumatised and in need of urgent medical treatment to save her eyesight.

Before arriving in our care, Cherry had been living in a small crate outside. She was left vulnerable and exposed to the elements.


Cherry was only 10 months old and she’d had no positive social interactions with people. She was in a very poor state and had suffered greatly at the hands of humans.



“She was being kept in a small metal crate in a back garden with no bedding or comfortable place to lay. The crate was covered by tarpaulin creating a dark and isolated environment with no means of interacting or socialising with the world around her!” Ebony Poole – Animal Operations Lead.

We are appealing to you today on behalf of this sweet girl Cherry, in the hope that you can help us raise enough money to cover her on going veterinary bills.

After being let down so badly in her first year of life, the CDCH team has worked closely with Cherry to rebuild her confidence and restore her faith in people.


Despite her past, and now looking forward to the future, Cherry has been blossoming ever since into a friendly, playful, and loving girl who has found it in her heart to trust humans once more.

Sadly this isn’t the end of her story as she continues to look for her forever home and the opportunity at living a life of comfort, warmth, and love she deserves.


Cherry requires surgery on both her eyes to treat an uncomfortable condition called cherry eye, alongside this, she will require her spay and a hernia repair.

Cherry eye is a condition in which there is a prolapse of the third eyelid gland which causes a red bulge in the corner of the eye.


If left untreated it can cause several complications including, impaired vision, dry eye, or even ulcers.

These operations come at a great cost to a small rescue centre like us, and we are reaching out to you to ask for help by donating what you can to help Cherry.

We are asking for your support to help us, not only with Cherry’s ongoing medical bills but also to provide her with the best opportunity at a happy, pain-free life that she deserves.


No donation is too small, and we value all your support.

Thank you!

Please note, all money raised will first be used on whatever treatment and care Cherry needs. Any additional funds will go towards other animals just like her at the centre.

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RSPCA Cotswolds, Gloucester & District Branch

Registered Charity number : 207006
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