Rescued alongside her companion Tia, Buffy endured unimaginable neglect, confined to a small crate beneath a bush, with no care or comfort. Both dogs were malnourished, dirty, and in dire need of help when they were brought to The Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home.
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For Buffy, the road to recovery was long and challenging.
Weighing just 17.5kg at rescue and suffering from severe muscle loss, she faced additional hurdles with a diagnosis of hip dysplasia. Thanks to the dedication of our team and the kindness of donors, Buffy began hydrotherapy sessions and received expert veterinary care.
Buffy’s transformation has been heart warming. Her lively spirit, goofy personality, and loving nature shines through. Now continuing her Hydrotherapy and gaining weight, she delights in squeaky toys, long walks, and playtime with her friends.
Buffy went on to find her forever home!
Buffy now lives with a loving family, where her days are filled with joy and love. Her adopter shared a glimpse into Buffy’s new life:
Her days are fairly regular. Early walks, breakfast, plenty of lounging around punctuated with bouts of charging around with a rope toy she loves!
She loves being with me or my daughter and is almost always with one of us. She'll quite happily watch almost anything on TV, but by 8:30 pm, she snoozes upside down on the sofa until bedtime
Buffy has discovered freedom, comfort, and happiness, proving that with love and care, even the darkest pasts can lead to bright futures.
At The Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home, we remain committed to being the light at the end of the tunnel for animals like Buffy and Tia. Their stories remind us why our work matters, because every animal deserves a chance at happiness, health, and love.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible. Buffy and Tia’s journey from neglect to hope could not have happened without your unwavering support. Together, we can continue to rewrite futures and bring joy to the lives of countless animals in need.
To report cruelty or an animal in distress call 0300 1234 999