Rabbits need plenty of space, food, water, companionship, and regular access to toys that they can chew and play with. This is all important for your rabbit’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Outdoor rabbits benefit from having access to a secure, predator-proof enclosure that measures at least three metres by two metres and one metre in height. A converted shed attached to a run works really well.
Rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk, so it’s important they have 24-hour access to their whole space.
Indoor rabbits need just as much space to ensure all of their needs are being met. They require space to run, jump and stretch out to their full length and height. Space to explore their surroundings and be encouraged to forage for their food are also really important as well as giving them natural light and a comfortable temperature.
The image below shows two great examples of rabbit shelters:
Photo credit: www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk/space-recommendations/
Rabbits are naturally social animals and enjoy the company of other rabbits. Ideally, rabbits should have at least one friend to live with unless a vet advises otherwise.
It is usually best practice to pair neutered individuals to reduce the risk of fighting and eliminate the potential for unwanted breeding.
Rabbits in groups often form a ‘pecking order’; there can be more dominant individuals than others and they can sometimes fight. Introducing new and unfamiliar rabbits needs to be done under supervision, with time and careful consideration. Seek advice from a vet or qualified behaviourist if you are unsure.
Neutering your rabbits prevents unwanted litters, protects against diseases affecting reproductive organs and can help to strengthen relationships between bonded pairs.
Female rabbits can be spayed from four to five months, whereas males can be castrated from ten weeks old. Care must be taken with males however, as they can remain fertile for up to six weeks post op.
Neutering can help to prevent the development of some cancers in female rabbits, so is extremely beneficial to their long-term health.
Fresh, clean drinking water and good quality hay and grass make up the majority of your rabbits’ diet.
Feeding hay and fresh grass is extremely beneficial to your rabbit’s gut health. You could supplement their meals with a small amount of pellets according to the manufacturers’ guidelines.
Rabbits’ teeth continuously grow. By providing hay, grass and leafy greens, rabbits can continually graze and chew on these foods to ensure their teeth are being regularly worn down.
We suggest regular monitoring as feeding quantities vary depending on age, weight and general health.
Fostering is an excellent way to help us provide care for as many rabbits as possible, and offer them some much needed respite whilst we search for their forever homes.
We have fostered 5 rabbits so far, all of which came to us in sorry states and we have enjoyed seeing them flourish and grow during their time with us, and then go off to their forever homes.
Catherine and Cinnamon who has now found a forever home
Catherine is vital to CDCH and is always ready to help us foster rabbits in need of our help. She began fostering a year ago and has loved every single minute of it!
If you feel you can offer a loving foster home for our small furries then please get in touch with us and fill out a perfect match form.
Alternatively, you could choose to sponsor a small furry for as little as £5 a month!
You will receive a sponsor welcome pack and regular updates on our small furries that reside in foster care.
To report cruelty or an animal in distress call 0300 1234 999