Helping your animals cope with fireworks

Many animals find fireworks scary. Seeing your animals suffer at this time can be difficult, which is why we wanted to share some top tips to help your animals cope in these situations.

Begin introducing a new routine

If your dog is used to nighttime walks you may want to introduce a new routine ahead of time.


This will help them adjust smoothly when fireworks start to be set off. With the arrival of autumn, the evenings are becoming darker earlier, so you might consider taking your dog for a walk before nightfall to help with this transition.

Avoid any great escapes

If you need to let your dog out for a quick wee break and you anticipate fireworks may be likely to go off, keep them on a lead in any unsecure areas and ensure your pet is microchipped with up to date contact details.

Keeping your cat safe

If your cat typically roams at night, you may want to consider shutting them in on nights where firework displays are expected.


If your cat has selected a safe haven within your home, it’s best to refrain from disturbing them, as interfering could potentially increase their stress levels.

Consider some calming remedies

In the weeks leading up to bonfire night you could use some plug-in pheromone devices or herbal remedy sprays that soothe your pet using natural ingredients.


Feliway and Adaptil plug ins are widely available for your cats and dogs.

Provide a safe space

By providing your dog or cat with multiple safe spaces to seek in times of stress, you will allow them to find comfort and hide away from any loud bangs if they choose to. Some pets may choose to stay close or retreat to an area away from you, so it’s essential to offer them various options to ensure they don’t feel constrained.


Prepare some tasty treats for them to enjoy whilst they cosy up in their safe haven. A natural chew, kong or lickimatt are great distractions to keep your dog entertained.

Music that soothes the soul!

Sometimes keeping the radio or TV on at a reasonable level can distract from the sudden bangs of the fireworks and creating a cosy atmosphere for your pet while enjoying classical music.


Classic FM is often a popular choice during firework season as they offer a dedicated show specifically for our beloved pets.

Challenges we face at CDCH

Our centre is home to dogs and cats from a variety of backgrounds. Kennels and cattery can be a daunting experience for some animals at the best of times, and this is only exacerbated during fireworks season.


We have outlined some of the steps we put in place for our residents to cope:


  • We begin to alter our routines at least 4 weeks in advance. For example, staff are onsite until 8pm everyday so we ensure all dogs are being taken out before dark and always kept on lead
  • We provide calming remedies such as Pet Remedy spray or Scullcap and Valerian tablets as these herbal medicines can help to reduce stress
  • Prescription medications are offered to highly stressed individuals who do not cope.
  • Extra bedding is placed in all animal accommodation to provide extra hiding places
  • Radios are left on overnight in kennel blocks and cattery to provide background noise to distract from the loud bangs
  • The team prepare lots of tasty treats like frozen kongs to give animals activities during the evenings


You could make a real difference this bonfire season and buy a rescue animal a dinner, instead of buying fireworks. Make a difference… Not Noise.

Buy a dinner

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RSPCA Cotswolds, Gloucester & District Branch

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