Whilst it may look adorable to dress your pooch up in that funny pumpkin outfit, it isn’t normal attire for a dog and so it could make them feel uncomfortable.
Instead of a full costume, try a trendy bandana that can fit on their collar as this can be a much more comfortable choice and look great too!
We think your cats are cute enough just as they are so we advise avoiding costumes as they can be dangerous. Your cats could get stuck on something or become trapped if they try and wriggle out of an outfit.
Arguably one of the best parts of Halloween are all of those delicious sweets and treats.
Unfortunately, many are highly toxic to our animals. Keep your sweet stash away from your furry friends (and everyone else in your house if you wish!).
If you are worried that your dog or cat has eaten a sweet or any chocolates, always act fast and take them to your nearest vet.
If you enjoy making your house look Spooktacular, you may want to bare your cats in mind.
Take care when placing decorations in regular climbing spots as your cat may decide to knock them over, play with them or even try and eat them.
Make sure they are safe if ingested or place them in hard to reach spots.
If you are expecting a lot of extra visitors to your property and you have a dog that likes to alert you with every knock on the door, you may want to set up a safe space for your pet to retreat to.
Placing a blanket over a table or crate in a quiet part of the home will allow your pet to retreat if they are feeling overwhelmed by all the extra noise.
Alternatively, you could place a basket of treats on your front step with a sign politely asking people not to knock on the door as you have a dog who finds this night a bit overwhelming.
The same can be done for your feline friends but they probably already have a chosen hiding spot in the house. If they have chosen to hide themselves away then it’s best to leave them to it and not overwhelm them.
If you decide to let your cat out during Halloween, they may become spooked and wander a little further than usual.
If your dog is prone to door dashing and you have frequent trick or treaters, make sure to keep your details up to date on both of your pets microchip databases in case they go for a spooky run.
To report cruelty or an animal in distress call 0300 1234 999