Many of us are keen to see the year off with a bang, and fireworks are now common during a lot of New Year gatherings. While these sparkly displays can draw ‘oooh’s and ‘aaah’s from the audience, your beloved pet might not be so keen.
Many of us notice our pets getting anxious at times when there are lots of fireworks in the night sky, so how do you recognise they are causing anxiety and what can we do to make them feel better?
If your pet isn’t a firework fan, they’re likely to let you know, and the following behaviours are signs that they are feeling anxious or stressed:
Take dogs for their evening walk nice and early, well before dark. You can use this as an opportunity to tire them out so hopefully they’ll sleep through the evening display! If they need to go into the garden, accompany them.
Some pets flee when they’re nervous, so make sure your home and garden are as escape-proof as possible. It’s also important that your pet is microchipped, and that their microchip details are kept up to date in case the worst happens.
It’s not just the sound of fireworks that can cause distress, so make sure you close the curtains or cover the windows to minimise the impact of light and flashes across the sky. You can also leave the lights on indoors to reduce their dramatic effect.
Many pets will instinctively try to hide from unexpected whizzes and bangs, so it’s good to create a covered area inside your home for them to retreat into.
If your dog is used to being in a crate, you can cover it with a blanket and leave it open, or a table draped with a blanket works just as well.
Keep cats indoors, and provide a litter tray and some safe areas to hide. Cats feel safer when they are high, so if possible create spaces at different levels.
Give your pet options so they can choose where they feel most comfortable, don’t confine them to one space as this can increase stress levels.
If possible, make sure your pet isn’t left alone and play relaxing music to distract pets from loud fireworks.
Try playing a game with your pet to keep them busy or distract them with a treat, long lasting chews or puzzle. Don’t tempt your cat or dog out of a hiding spot, let them stay inside until they’re ready to leave.
Your pet will notice if you’re behaving unusually, so try your best not to be visibly nervous or concerned. You can reassure and comfort your pet without following them around or being overly affectionate. Act normal and give them lots of praise for good behaviour. You can try to distract them with cuddles or their favourite toy if they’re interested, but also ensure you leave them be if that’s what they need.
You should also never shout at your pet if they’re scared, even if they misbehave, this will increase their stress and also mean they may begin to associate fireworks with negative feelings.
Although your pet may never become a firework lover, these tips should help reduce their stress over the New Year period.
However, if they’re still extremely anxious after you’ve tried these tactics, don’t hesitate to consult your vet — they may implement a behaviour management plan, or consider medicinal treatment.
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