Lara defies all odds

Seeing Lara now, loved and healthy, it’s easy to forget her long, hard journey to health and happiness – and the appalling cruelty that brought her into our care.

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Lara had the most broken bones an RSPCA Inspector has seen…

I didn’t know where to touch her that wouldn’t hurt so I stroked her nose.

The sad eyes and broken spirit in this heart-breaking photograph of Lara, at only 16 weeks-old can only begin to tell the story of the horrific suffering and torment she endured at the hands of her previous family.


Lara’s injuries were inflicted during three separate incidents of blunt force trauma and included multiple fractures to her skull, rib, cheekbones, jaw, femur and teeth.


The extent of the injuries meant that Lara had to spend the next four months at RSPCA’s Newbrook Animal Hospital.

Once Lara was well enough, she was transferred to our care. Due to her traumatic past, it was decided that Lara would be better placed in foster care where she could have all the love and attention she needed, to recover and learn to trust humans.

CDCH receptionist Amy Day promptly volunteered to foster Lara.

My heart instantly shattered when I saw her and how her eyes looked filled with fear. With every small movement she made, she would wince and cower away.

Amy and her family slowly helped Lara overcome her trauma and recover from her injuries.


“Due to her extensive surgery, she had to have crate rest to allow her bones to heal which was very difficult for a young puppy who wants to be playing and learning.”

"Lara wanted nothing more than to be loved"

It took 18 months of care from Amy and her family for Lara to slowly become the loving, outgoing girl she is today.


Thanks to them, Lara has learnt to trust humans and found a forever family willing to give her all the love she deserves. 


Lara now spends her days going for lovely walks, playing and having belly rubs. 

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RSPCA Cotswolds, Gloucester & District Branch

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