Pet Drugs Online is an online veterinary retailer founded and managed by a vet team and staffed by pet owners and animal lovers.
They are the UK’s largest, fully licensed and accredited online veterinary retailer.
Using Pet Drugs Online, you could save up to 76% on pet medication and food.
For more information about Pet Drugs Online visit their website by clicking below.
Pet Drugs Online are a team of true animal lovers and we are honoured they have chosen to support The Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home.
They will be helping our animals find their forever home, taking part in staff fundraising, finding cost affective solutions for our food, medication as well as much more!
Watch this space as we share our journey together.
Thank you to the team at Pet Drugs Online, we look forward to making a real difference with you.
To report cruelty or an animal in distress call 0300 1234 999