Thank You for Saving Rupert!

We are overwhelmed with gratitude and joy as we bring you a heartfelt update on little Rupert, the 6-week-old Shih Tzu puppy who urgently needed life-saving surgery.

Thanks to your incredible support, Rupert received the emergency procedure he desperately needed, and we are thrilled to share that it was a success!

Rupert’s surgery for his rectal prolapse went smoothly, and he’s now on the road to recovery in loving foster care.

Despite everything this brave pup has been through, his sweet and affectionate personality continues to shine.

He’s bouncing back with the playful spirit that only a puppy can have, and it’s all because of YOU!

Sam Herniman - Individul Giving Fundraiser
Rupert’s Journey: What’s Next?

Thanks to your swift response and generosity, Rupert is recovering well and making good progress.

If all goes as planned, he’ll be ready for adoption in just a few short weeks!


His story is one of resilience, love, and the power of community. We couldn’t have done this without your help, and neither could Rupert.

Thank You!

Your donations, shares, and messages of support made all the difference. It’s because of caring people like you that we were able to act quickly and give Rupert the fighting chance he so deserved.


We can’t thank you enough for being there in his time of need.

Stay tuned for more updates on Rupert’s journey as he continues to heal and prepare for his forever home. Together, we’ve given this little one a new lease on life—and for that, we are eternally grateful.


To read about Rupert’s story and see how far he’s come, click here!

Rupert’s journey has been filled with challenges, and we expect the veterinary bill and ongoing care to be in the thousands but your generosity has blown us away and helped provide him with the care and love he deserves.


It’s not too late to have an impact on Ruperts’ life and Donate towards his Care.

Thank you for your compassion and support.

Vet bills like all our other costs are rising and Rupert is just one of the many animals who need our help every day.


Anything raised above Rupert’s needs will be used to help animals just like him, here at the Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home.

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RSPCA Cotswolds, Gloucester & District Branch

Registered Charity number : 207006
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