2024 is a Leap Year meaning we need to raise an extra £2,290 to cover the cost of the extra day in February and we want you to get involved.
Take on this fun challenge to raise and donate £29 to help cover the cost of running the rehoming centre for 1 extra day this year!
We are challenging you to bake 29 cakes to sell to friends, colleagues, and neighbours to raise £29. You can set up your fundraiser by clicking ‘Fundraise for us’.
If you would like to support without taking on a challenge, you can still be involved by simply clicking ‘Donate now’.
On average, caring for the animals in the rehoming centre costs an outstanding £2,290 every single day, so why not join us on a challenge containing the number 29 and help raise money for the animals here at CDCH.
To report cruelty or an animal in distress call 0300 1234 999