WARNING – This video contains graphic content.
You May remember Cheddar, In September 2020 the RSPCA along with Gwent Police rescued 93 dogs from a property which included Dachshunds, Labradors and French Bulldogs, Poodles and Bichon Frise type dogs in an environment which was described by an RSPCA inspector as “one large disgusting kennel”.
The dogs and puppies were seized by police, and the owner has been prosecuted by the RSPCA.
In his statement presented to the court, Inspector Darren Oakley said: “The conditions inside the house were horrendous; the floors were covered in faeces with dogs in cages living in their own filth. Every room contained more dogs and pups, the whole house had become one large disgusting kennel.
The smell and sights were clearly having an affect on the police who were in attendance.”
“The dogs had no food or water, the only few that did have water were the ones with outside access due to the rain. When food and water was placed down, for the loose dogs, they ate/drank ravenously.”
Shortly after, the dogs – who were seized by police – came into care, numerous litters of puppies were born leading to the animal welfare charity having a total of 137 dogs. The Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home were contacted by RSPCA and took in 18 of these dogs.
Almost immediately after their arrival, it became apparent that something was not right and two of the puppies were admitted to the vets. As the hours went on, more and more of the animals began to exhibit signs of a dangerous virus known as parvovirus and within a couple of days, the vets had all the puppies in their critical care unit, with the crew working around the clock to care for them.
Sadly, after 3 days of around the clock veterinary care and treatment we lost 2 of the puppies. However, the remaining 16 dogs started their road to recovery.
None of this could be possible without the kind and generous support from our Donors, sponsors and Legacy Pledgers.
Cheddar, the French Bulldog, spent nearly 3 months between the vets and our centre recovering. Once he was well enough, Cheddar went into foster to fully recover and then into adoption.
Cheddar along with other dogs taken in by the Cotswolds Dogs & Cats home left a lasting memory and a paw print on all our hearts when we saw them finally having their opportunity to experience all the joys and love of life that they deserve.
We are so happy to be a part of these dogs’ journeys, ensuring they found their perfect forever homes and continue living their lives in happiness.
We caught up with Cheddar’s Family, and they had to say this.
‘Being someone who has always grown up with a dog, it has been something I’d wanted again for a long time. Having talked with my family about getting a dog for a while, we decided with so many dogs needing foster homes, especially through the pandemic, that we would get in touch with some local rescue centres.’
‘Within 2 weeks of registering our interest to foster, someone from the centre got in touch with me.’
‘A potential perfect match had been found! A beautiful French bulldog named Cheddar. His story wasn’t good and he had been very poorly with parvovirus and a number of other issues due to the conditions he was rescued from. I was informed of everything, and what a fighter this little pup was and how amazed the centre were that he pulled through. The amazing vet and staff at the CDCH definitely saved his life and I will be eternally grateful.’
‘Cheddar, I’m happy to say, is fully recovered! He is the happiest, most content boy and is definitely spoilt, but he deserves it!’ – Michelle, Cheddars Adopted Pawrent
To report cruelty or an animal in distress call 0300 1234 999